

so, i am a big obama supporter and for the first time i am trying to watch the democratic convention. but i have to admit i can't do it. it is so boring and dry and scripted that i can't take it.  i watched monday night as obama's half sister and brother-in-law gave their speeches and i felt deep admiration, could you do that? there is no way i could give a speech in front of that many people, not happening. however, if i am going to run for president i had better learn right? well, anyway, so the speeches came off very dry and slow, and i thought so was michelle obama's. then last night as i waited to hear hillary, not because i like her in anyway shape or form but just to make sure she didn't stir the pot while i wasn't looking, and i heard the governor from Montana, Brian Schweitzer give this speech. i think even if you don't agree with him he is a great rallier and an interesting speaker, so i have decided as i prep myself for my presidential run that i should incorporate his style into my repertoire...

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